Brontosaurus vs Brachiosaurus vs Apatosaurus:


Brontosaurus vs Brachiosaurus vs Apatosaurus: Among the three major vegetable khor dinosaurs of the Jurassic period that fascinate all of us are Brontosaurus Brachiosaurus and Apertorsaurus, they were often confused with each other.

Brontosaurus – The Thunder Lizard for Brontosaurus vs Brachiosaurus vs Apatosaurus

Brontosaurus – The Thunder Lizard for Brontosaurus vs Brachiosaurus vs Apatosaurus

This journey begins with the Brontosaur, sometimes called Thunder Lizard, these three dinosaurs belong to the sauropod family Characteristics of Brontosaurus Its long neck Its height was 72 feet long and weighed about 15 tons, it had a very large body, it was the Titan of its time.

Physical Characteristic

Brontosaurus’ long neck his head was short, and there were nostrils on the head, which suggests that he could spend most of his time in the water.

Diet and Behavior

It was a vegetarian, they used to eat plants like psykead, ferns, and conifers, their large bodies, so that they could eat more plants at once.

Brontosaurus vs Brachiosaurus vs Apatosaurus:

Brachiosaurus – The Arm Lizard

Brachiosaurus – The Arm Lizard

Brachiosaurus arm lizard also known as rest lizard belongs to the sauropod family, its identity was longer front legs than its hind legs which helped it eat food and stand apart from the others.

Physical Characteristics

Brachiosaurus was about 90 to 100 feet tall, it could stand itself upright from 12 to 13 feet, it weighed 55 (metric tons), its front legs were long and the neck was also long, which helped it eat.

Diet and Behavior

Brachio source was a vegetarian with its front legs and long neck accessing the branches of the trees it had the power to eat more food like others.

Brontosaurus vs Brachiosaurus vs Apatosaurus:

Apatosaurus – The Deceptive Giant

Apatosaurus – The Deceptive Giant

Apatosaurus was the last member of the Jurassic period, it is called the Freebie Giant It belongs to the sauropod family Apatosaurus existed between 171 and 172 million years ago. These dinosaurs lived in North America. Apatosaurus had a deep chest due to long ribs that make it look different from others.

Physical Characteristics

Apatow Soros was between 75 and 80 feet tall, weighing 35 to 40 tons, with a long neck and long tail that matched other sauropods.

Diet and Behavior

Apatosaurus was a vegetarian, it used to eat food on trees, and it had the power to eat a large amount of food to keep its large existence safe.


In the end, Brontosaurus Brachiosaurus and ApatoSaurus This was the Sauropod family of the Jurassic period, they were very scary, but they all had different characteristics and similarities, while Brontosaurus had a small head and nostrils on its head, which makes its identity. were Brachiosaurus It is known for its long front legs Apatosaurus is mistaken for its long tail and by others it was one of the largest giants of its time.

FAQs for Brontosaurus vs Brachiosaurus vs Apatosaurus

DidBrontosaurus, Brachiosaurus, and
Apatosaurus coexist?

These dinosaurs belonged to the same family, they lived in the Jurassic period, but their food and living place were different.

Were any of these dinosaurs carnivorous?

These three dinosaurs were not carnivores, they were vegetarians who received food from plants.

Why is Brontosaurus sometimes confused with Apatosaurus?

These dinosaurs had historical confusion that made them misunderstand each other.


In the end, these dinosaurs were vegetarians who keep fascinating us, they are reflected in the incredible aspects of life that roamed in the Jurassic era, and today’s modern invention calls them unforgettable.

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