How Tall Was Apatosaurus: Unraveling the Giant’s Height



Apatosaurus was called Brontosaurus in the past. It is one of the most popular dinosaurs for mankind. Its towering size and long neck have attracted the lovers of geology. In this article, we will dive into the past world of Apatosaurus and How tall was Apatosaurus and what kind of nature will it answer?

The Giant of the Jurassic

Apatosaurus, a sauropod dinosaur, ramble the Earth during the Late Jurassic period, roughly154 to 150 million years ago. These gentle giants inhabited the regions of what is now North America. Apatosaurus was a herbivore, known for its distinctive long neck and massive body.

Anatomy of Apatosaurus

To deduce how tall Apatosaurus was, we need to delve into its anatomy. Apatosaurus had a unique frame edifice that made it stand out amongst dinosaurs.

Size and Length

Apatosaurus become certainly huge, attaining lengths of up to 75-90 ft (23-27 meters). These giants weighed between 20 and forty tons, equivalent to the weight of numerous current-day elephants.
Their colossal bodies were \spur by four sturdy legs.

Neck Length

One of the most remarkable features of Apatosaurus was its long neck. This neck could extend up to 25 feet (7.5 meters) or more, enabling the dinosaur to reach vegetation in treetops and other high places.

Tail Length

In addition to its impressive neck, Apatosaurus had an extraordinarily long tail, which could measure around 50-60 feet (15-18 meters). The tail acted as a counterbalance to its massive body and neck.

How Tall Was Apatosaurus

Now, let’s address the central question: How tall was Apatosaurus? When discussing the height of a dinosaur, it’s momentous to distinguish between two measure: shoulder height and overall height.

Shoulder Height

The shoulder height of Apatosaurus, when stationary on all fours, was estimated to be about 15 to 20 feet (4.5 to 6 meters). This measure represents the height from the ground to the top of its shoulders.

Overall Height

When we view the height of Apatosaurus while it stood on its hind legs, in a bipedal posture, it could have reached up to 30-35 feet (9-10.5 meters). even so, it’s vital to note that Apatosaurus primarily moved on all fours and used its long neck to reach foliage.

Factors impactful Apatosaurus’s Height

Several factors influenced the height of Apatosaurus:


Like most creatures, Apatosaurus flaunt growth throughout its life. Younger head would have been puny in size, while fully grown adults reached their colossal proportions.

Species Variation

Within the Apatosaurus genus, there were different species, each with slight variations in size. Apatosaurus ajax and Apatosaurus louisae, for example, might have had differing heights.


The posture of Apatosaurus, whether on all fours or bipedal, would have significantly affect its perceived height.


  • about Apatosaurus
  • Is Apatosaurus the same as Brontosaurus?

on Apatosaurus and Brontosaurus had been as quickly as believed to be split genera.
However, recent studies has proven that they are, in truth, the identical dinosaur. The name “Brontosaurus” is now not used scientifically.

  • What did Apatosaurus eat?

Apatosaurus changed into a herbivore, to start with feeding on flowers including ferns, cycads, and conifers. Its lengthy neck allowed it to attain high foliage.

  • How did Apatosaurus defend itself?

A: Apatosaurus had a massive body that likely deterred most predators. However, its main defense mechanism was presumably its ability to deliver powerful tail walkout.

  • What reason the extinction of Apatosaurus?

Apatosaurus, like many different dinosaurs, have become extinct on the end of the Mesozoic Era, conceivably because of a combination of things, together with climate modifications and asteroid affects.


Apatosaurus turned into a powerful and great creature of its time. When thinking about how tall Apatosaurus became, it’s far important to be aware its common peak of 30 to 35 ft on the shoulder, whilst its legs have been 30 to 35 ft. It reminds us of the wonders of the olden days that used to stroll on this earth

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